Cool Black
hex #03020D
Active Orange
hex #FF5416
Electric Cyan
hex #4AD4FF
Zingy Green
hex #08FF13
Bright Red
hex #FE372B
Jazzy Pink
hex #FF17D2
Extra Light Grey
hex #F8FAFC
Light Grey
hex #F4F8FB
Mid Grey
hex #C6CED9
Dark Grey
hex #667085
Charcoal Grey
hex #2B303B
Neutral 500
hex #C6CED9
Neutral 900
hex #39414E
Default (Light)
hex #006EDC
Hover (Light)
hex #0862B9
Active (Light)
hex #074095
Default (Dark)
hex #4DA6FF
Hover (Dark)
hex #2894FF
Active (Dark)
hex #0080FF
hex #4887c2
hex #80B9F2
Focus Outline
hex #80B9F2
hex #a8a8a8
hex #11CB24
hex #FB0C0C
Different size chips can be achieved by using padding and text utilities, see examples below.
On light background
On dark background
Type definitions do not include margin as it can be contextual. Figma and the below list include recommended margins.
The below list is created with ui-text-* helpers which include properties beyond the standard font-size
and line-height
that text-* includes.
Title - this is a title
H1 - this is an h1
H2 - this is an h2
H3 - this is an h3
H4 - this is an h4
H5 - this is an h5
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 1 (strong)
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 2 (strong)
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 3 (strong)
This is a figure caption style
Overline 1
Overline 2
Code 1 font for code blocks
Code 2 font for code blocks
Text, then styling for inline code, within paragraphs.
The default text color is inherited from the surrounding text.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
Note that lists support having li items and li items with children, while keeping the same margin (in these examples, the ordered list has paragraphs).
This is the preceding paragraph sed nisl id lectus scelerisque facilisis consectetur eget nisl. Morbi scelerisque felis vel ullamcorper viverra. In id ante quis quam sodales auctor in a ante. Maecenas faucibus, diam sit amet sollicitudin pellentesque, est nulla pellentesque sapien.
- Pellentesque consequat elit eget tristique sagittis. Etiam et erat et lorem elementum commodo. Aenean congue diam a nibh accumsan tincidunt.
- In id ante quis quam sodales auctor in a ante. Maecenas faucibus, diam sit amet sollicitudin pellentesque, est nulla pellentesque sapien.
- Etiam et erat et lorem elementum commodo.
- Etiam et erat et lorem elementum commodo.
- In id ante quis quam sodales auctor in a ante. Maecenas faucibus, diam sit amet sollicitudin pellentesque, est nulla pellentesque sapien.
- Etiam et erat et lorem elementum commodo.
This is the following paragraph sed nisl id lectus scelerisque facilisis consectetur eget nisl. Morbi scelerisque felis vel ullamcorper viverra. In id ante quis quam sodales auctor in a ante. Maecenas faucibus, diam sit amet sollicitudin pellentesque, est nulla pellentesque sapien.
This is the preceding paragraph sed nisl id lectus scelerisque facilisis consectetur eget nisl. Morbi scelerisque felis vel ullamcorper viverra. In id ante quis quam sodales auctor in a ante. Maecenas faucibus, diam sit amet sollicitudin pellentesque, est nulla pellentesque sapien.
Pellentesque consequat elit eget tristique sagittis. Etiam et erat et lorem elementum commodo. Aenean congue diam a nibh accumsan tincidunt.
In id ante quis quam sodales auctor in a ante. Maecenas faucibus, diam sit amet sollicitudin pellentesque, est nulla pellentesque sapien.
Etiam et erat et lorem elementum commodo.
This is the following paragraph sed nisl id lectus scelerisque facilisis consectetur eget nisl. Morbi scelerisque felis vel ullamcorper viverra. In id ante quis quam sodales auctor in a ante. Maecenas faucibus, diam sit amet sollicitudin pellentesque, est nulla pellentesque sapien.
Checkboxes with P1 size text
Checkboxes with P2 size text and tighter spacing
Example of additional text beneath the textarea.